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John Todd Jackson, September 14 2018


The safest place for us to be is wherever Jesus is and sometimes, Jesus is in the storm. If Jesus can rest during the storm, we can too (Mark 4:38). Are you willing to trust Him in the storm?

We are typically challenged because of the physical and emotional toll that a storm takes on us. The challenge comes when we place our eyes on the effects of the storm around us.

The damaging winds, the rising waters, the torrential rains, the sound of the wind in the darkness. These are all conditions of the storm that if become magnified by our imagination, will condition our heart for fear and doubt. Fear is a direct challenge to our trust in Jesus Christ.

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "[He is] my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” - Psalm 91:1-2 NKJV

Seeing Jesus while in the storm is our only hope. Abiding with Him requires eyes of faith. This requires intentionally choosing to not focus on the effects of the storm but rather choosing, by faith, to see Jesus. Choose to stay in close contact with His Spirit. Pray in the Holy Ghost, meditate on His Word and trust Him.

The storm will pass and another will come in time. That’s life for all of us. Ask the Holy Spirit for grace and strength to grow in your trust of Him. The storm always brings temptation to fear. Do not choose fear. Choose trust. Trust and abide in Him.

Written by

John Todd Jackson

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